You are also much more likely to survive ganks. You can afford to be more aggressive, because you will win almost all trades. Once you get Hullbreaker make the most out of it.

#Tryndamere runes crack
However, with each item piece obtained you will become one tough nut to crack and this will put preassure on the enemy team. Evantually, focus will be directed towards you. Your goal is to become a scourge of the top lane and later of the entire map. Then you check your death timer and it says that you died in 0.0 seconds. I bet everybody expirienced a burst of damage so massive that you couldn't react in time to use Undying Rage. The longer you last in a fight, more damage you can deal to your enemies. As mentioned: even with tank items, Tryndamere will become a fighter/brusier so we can still keep DAMAGE while buffing SURVIVABILITY. Of course, it goes without saying that items such as Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, The Collector, Ravenous Hydra, Eclipse, Kraken Slayer and such will make a killing machine out of anybody, especially a champion such as Tryndamere (hence why I added a posibility of switching Hullbreaker for one of those legendery items). Add a 1.3 AD scaling for his Spinning Slash and Tryndamere becomes a force of nature (pun not intended) even without those powerful damage items. It all revoles around Bloodlust and Battle Fury, with the first providing flat AD and scaling AD with health decrease, while the latter increases critical strike chance with fury increase. This statment stands because of his ability kit and rune choices (check rune notes again, they are that important!).

So why put tank(ish) items on him? The thing with Tryndamere is that even with tank items he is still a fighter/bruiser. This means he works best with damage focused items, as his role is to eliminate enemy targets whilest soaking some damage (a ton of damage with Undying Rage).